Sunday, October 30, 2011







Wednesday at 5:08pm · Like · · Unsubscribe

Alvin Tang .........................................
Wednesday at 5:09pm · Like

Kin Sum Lai )^%$*^%$$(*$
Wednesday at 5:10pm · Like

Slient Yuki 呢D熱狗應該去番新界
Wednesday at 5:11pm · Like

Kin Sum Lai 5
Wednesday at 5:11pm · Like

Alvin Tang 離曬大譜!d議員冇野做?!
Wednesday at 5:43pm · Like

Derek Lin 電車又係咁行有咩問題??
Wednesday at 5:57pm · Like · 3 people

Bryan Yip 其實點解渣電車好少中暑但渣熱狗就事件頻生?
Wednesday at 7:29pm · Like · 2 people

Shing Wong 以前熱狗多果陣夏天咪又係3X度,又唔見有問題...
Wednesday at 7:30pm · Like

Bryan Yip 仲有電車雖然冇冷氣但係又好多人搭
Wednesday at 7:31pm · Like · 6 people

Cat Wong 依家天氣熱,工會一時衝動先咁講既姐~~ 到天氣涼、凍既時候佢地就沒聲出架啦!
Wednesday at 9:59pm · Like · 3 people

Alvin Tang 立左秋la
Wednesday at 10:03pm · Like · 2 people

Cat Wong 依家d天氣暖化晒,唔同左以前~ 坐底起碼11月中先開始「轉涼」,舊年咪就係...
Thursday at 3:23pm · Like

Cat Wong Shing:我估主要係市區本身樓宇較密,通風不足;依家仲要加埋大量空調巴士一齊排出「熱氣」,兩樣有可能因此令市區更熱,影響熱狗車長或其他戶外工作人士中暑
Thursday at 3:37pm · Like · 2 people

Cat Wong Bryan:其實呢d只不過心理作用姐~ 電車本身習慣係沒冷氣,d人感覺不到d乜野;到反轉巴士全部改晒冷氣,d人已經沒得再揀,被迫習慣坐冷馬 和 行出街d人習慣見到冷馬多、熱狗少,所以呢兩樣野好自然影響d人對熱狗既心態~
Thursday at 3:59pm · Unlike · 5 people
Chung-fai Wu >> 大量空調巴士一齊排出熱氣

most important reason, walking on the street also "中暑" :p
throw away all polluting 空調巴士
Thursday at 8:39pm · Like · 1 person
Chung-fai Wu >> 暴雨天氣,熱狗巴士存在安全隱憂

why ?
Thursday at 9:29pm · Like

Keith Kung 中暑:以前唔中,而家中,係因為以前天氣無咁熱,依家比十年前既溫度起碼升左幾度,同埋冷馬噴熱氣亦係其一, 至於點解電車司機唔中暑,熱狗會中暑, 係因為電車用電做動力,無引擎, 熱狗係用引擎,引擎係好熱既, 同埋司機位前面係水箱, 個司機就好似豬肉咁慢慢蒸熟佢
Yesterday at 1:26am · Like · 1 person

Keith Kung 暴雨天氣對司機係真係危險,因為熱狗既司機位好似倒水咁,而且比新款金巴既視野無咁闊
Yesterday at 1:30am · Like
Chung-fai Wu make sure non-AC drivers are always driving non-AC buses.
if the bus companies ask AC bus driver take up the job, the drivers may not be able to withstand hot weather. I don't want to see AC bus driver 中暑 driving non-AC bus.
Yesterday at 8:06am · Like · 1 person
Chung-fai Wu i think there are 中暑 cases in the past too. 中暑 is common in hot weather countries, but no one will complain the bus is not AC. 

In the past, people will complain if the driver is physical unfit, not enough sleep, not enough rest, bad lifestyle habit, hidden disease, not healthy etc.

Now people are shifting the target to complain. And i strongly believe, for a healthy person, it is very hard for him to 中暑. 

It is much easier to get sick inhaling too much "toxic roadside gases" by AC buses than being affected by hot weather to a healthy person. 

Drivers are inhaling toxic gases on the road for many hours every day. Their health is being affected. So the solution should be reducing the number of AC buses on the road.
Yesterday at 8:19am · Like · 1 person
Chung-fai Wu in the past, 熱狗巴 driver uniform is 背心短褲,
how about now ?

in the past, policemen wear 短褲 in summer,
now, they all wear long pants in summer,
if i wear long pants walking outdoor in summer, i will sweat the whole body, unless i hide my self in shopping mall to enjoy AC. 

So the policemen uniform is "not practical" in hot summer weather.
Yesterday at 11:02am · Like · 3 people
Chung-fai Wu in the past, thousands of 熱狗 bus drivers. If just a few cases of 中暑. If you are one of the 中暑 driver, you will only feel you are not fit compared to all other drivers who do not 中暑. Shame on yourself only instead of blaming other reasons.

3000 non-AC buses, 10-30 drivers are not healthy and have higher risk of 中暑. Because of these 10-30 drivers, let's change all non-AC buses to AC buses. why they don't find other jobs instead.

40 students in a class, 3 students are not fit and have higher risk of 中暑, so for safety reason, the "entire class" cannot have their lesson at the outdoor playground, lesson cancelled. 
because 3 students are not fit and have higher risk of 中暑, indoor AC playground is to be built for all the students as a solution.

*** AC is not a good solution for reducing 中暑 cases ***

Because AC bring out many other new problems, e.g. wasteful energy use, gas pollution, much hotter in non-AC areas, poorer citizens' health and fitness.
23 hours ago · Like

Lik Yan Tang Chung-fai Wu: 中暑 is heatstroke!
23 hours ago · Like
Chung-fai Wu Thanks Lik Yan Tang, i purposely left out some terms in Chinese.

I should type all in Chinese. Excuse me for my "super slow" Chinese typing skill, so i prefer to respond in English, but i also worry if some people don't understand what i said clearly.

>> 熱狗係用引擎,引擎係好熱既, 同埋司機位前面係水箱, 個司機就好似豬肉咁慢慢蒸熟佢

solved by changing design ?

i remembered there was an electric fan exclusive for the bus driver use in the past, but i don't see any electric fan now.
22 hours ago · Like

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